Discover the Secrets of Solar Marketing


It's easy to make costly mistakes without proper guidance. Our program helps you avoid common pitfalls, saving you a bunch of time, money and frustration in the long run.


You DO NOT want to get into solar lead gen blindly... We've spent over 2 Million Dollars in solar ads in the past 3 years and NOT knowing exactly what works in todays' market conditions can and will be a very costly experience for anyone starting from scratch.


Our program equips you with in-depth knowledge and strategies to navigate the complexities of Solar. You’ll learn proven methods and learn from our experience to maximize your profits and minimize risks.

The Ultimate Course to Solar Lead Generation Mastery

Foundations of Solar Lead Generation Online

Our course begins by laying the foundational knowledge necessary to captivate and convert your online audience. From crafting high-converting landing pages to ethical marketing practices, we equip you with the building blocks essential for a robust online presence. Learn how to create a digital ecosystem that resonates with potential solar clients, setting the stage for the rest of your solar marketing journey.

Solar-Focused Creatives

Landing Page Mastery

Clear Call-to-Actions

Ethical Marketing Practices

Mastering Google & Bing Ads ($300 VALUE)

Leverage the power of search engines to drive targeted traffic to your solar landing pages. This module dives deep into crafting and executing effective ad campaigns on Google and Bing, tailored to capture the interest of those actively seeking solar solutions.

Keyword Strategy

Performance Analysis

Ad Campaign Creation

Navigating Meta Ads ($500 VALUE)

Unlock the potential of social media to connect with your audience. This segment guides you through the intricacies of Meta Ads, enabling you to deploy compelling campaigns on Facebook and Instagram that resonate with potential solar clients.

Campaign Setup

Audience Targeting

Creative Strategies

Leveraging TikTok Ads ($250 VALUE)

Tap into the vibrant world of TikTok to spread your solar message. This part of the course covers how to effectively use TikTok Ads to engage with a younger, energy-conscious audience, driving interest and leads for your solar solutions.

Maximize ROI

Viral Ad Potential

Gain Competitive Edge

Optimizing for SEO Success ($250 VALUE)

Elevate your online presence through strategic SEO practices tailored for the solar industry. This course segment dives into optimizing your website and content to rank higher on search engine results pages, drawing in a targeted audience actively searching for solar solutions.

Outshine Competitors

Attract Quality Leads

Rank Higher on Google

Sustain Long-Term Visibility

Exclusive Bonus Content ($500 VALUE)

Supercharge your solar marketing toolkit with our exclusive bonus section. This part of the course goes beyond the basics, offering advanced strategies and resources to significantly enhance your lead generation efforts. From leveraging AI technology to unlocking the power of referrals and accessing ready-to-use landing pages, we've got you covered.

Ready-Made Landing Pages

Boost Referrals

Harness AI Tools

More Insider Tips


At What Level of Experience Can The Course Help?

The course was designed to be suitable for all levels, from beginners to experts. You don't even need to know how to sell, as solar sells itself, you just have to follow the system. Our aim is to help you build a solid foundation for your remote solar business.  

What Will I Learn In The Solar Lead Generation Course?

You'll learn everything you need to know to start and grow a successful solar lead generation campaign, including how to launch campaigns through Youtube, Meta, Google and other networks.  

What Kind of Results Can Someone Expect From Your Program?

Our clients who put in the work and implemented everything in the program get tremendous results. We have had clients join our program, not follow our system and not have results. We unfortunately can't control human nature. 

What Sets Your Program Apart From Others In The Industry?

Our program is unique in that it provides both the knowledge and tools needed to successfully generate leads in Solar and everything is presented in a very systematic way that provides you with a true step-by-step action plan for what you need to. do at any given point of your journey. 

Mike Burdoev - Founder

Life has a peculiar way of guiding us. Just a few years ago, I was navigating the dynamic world of e-commerce in Ukraine. It was a journey filled with lessons, growth, and a passion that burned bright.

However, the unexpected Russian invasion turned my world upside down, leading to the unfortunate closure of my business. Determined to rise from the ashes, I sought a fresh start in a land of endless opportunities — the United States. There, serendipity led me to a role as a salesman in the burgeoning solar industry.

As I began immersing myself in Solar, I realised the industry, while promising, seemed tethered to traditional marketing techniques. Drawing from my e-commerce days, I knew the transformative potential of contemporary marketing strategies.

Harnessing my background and a renewed sense of purpose, I set out to bridge this gap. My mission was clear: to amalgamate cutting-edge marketing insights with the solar business's unique demands. Thus, Solar Conversion Lab was born — a testament to resilience, innovation, and the belief that there's always a better way.

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